part 1; part 2
Mazeka was hit by shadow energized magma and he fell to the ground. Tahu had never seen a Toa that was so heavily armored. It looked Artahkan, but probably had some nynrah enhancements. His weapon was unique. It looked like a cross between a shield and...something. The transformed Nidhiki spoke.
"Yes, Mazeka, I have a mask of stealth too. You don't think I would take transporting you to another dimension as a good enough defeat. No, you will be killed, slowly"
"And what if we stop you?" Pohatu asked, stepping in front of Mazeka.
"You don't" Malikiux answered. "Ha, a mere toa of stone, standing up to me?"
Malikiux released pure darkness at pohatu, who erected a wall of stone in front of him. Tahu and Lesovikk both leaped into action. Malikiux melted through the barrier and pohatu had no choice but to dodge, letting a blast of the magma hit Mazeka, causing the metalic/magnetic toa to lapse into unconsciousness. Pohatu made a hand of stone to grab the dark Toa, but Malikiux blasted it and began to control it against Pohatu. Then, he pinned the Toa of stone to the wall. Meanwhile, Lesovikk and Tahu got behind Malikiux. Malikiux had incredible reserves of elemental energy. Tahu was able to absorb some of the heat from the shadow energized magma, but shadow, as always, was their biggest threat. Tahu wished that Jaller was there. Malikiux would use his mask of stealth and then blast at them suddenly and Tahu would shield and Lesovikk would retaliate, using his airpower, though it was mostly drained from his previous adventure. After this happened for some time, Malikiux stepped into the light. Tahu instantly engaged the dark Toa in hand to hand combat, where he knew he would have an edge. Malikiux was definitely Nidhiki, who trusted more in his element than fighting skills; but apparently, his reserves were running out, forcing him to come out and fight. Lesovikk attempted to free Pohatu, but Malikiux pinned him to the wall with the magma as well. It was just Tahu and the Dark Toa.
"What made you turn evil?" Tahu asked, dodging a slash from Malikiux's massive weapon.
"Me? Like you said, I really am treacherous to the core. I like to think of it as wise. One thing you should've learned when your precious Mata Nui was defeated by Teridax: Evil always triumphs."
"I guess it's true that Artahkan protosteel is better than Nynrah" Tahu said
The fire blade slid down and gashed the Dark Toa's shoulder armor, causing a small reaction, sending Malikiux reeling. While Malikiux was off ballance, Tahu created a fist of energy using his Nynrah Ghost blaster, slamming and impressing the Dark Toa into the wall.
"Though Nynrah technology is good" Tahu grinned.
"Always Triumphs? No; Evil has not won in this universe, or we would not still be free"
Tahu stuck his blade inches away from Malikiux's throat. The Dark Toa remained silent, but Tahu felt uneasy. Lesovikk and Pohatu suddenly were squeezed into unconciousness, but the fists continued to sqeeze, Tahu slashed open the fist, but when he had freed his companions, the Dark Toa was gone.
To Be continued...
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